Continuing their tradition of promoting inclusivity, Hameed Latif Hospital held a small event tocommemorate Christmas and the end of the year 2021. As the year moves to its end, theemployees over at Hameed Latif managed to pull off a heartwarming event. With the holiday season infull flow, and the cold weather taking its toll, the celebrations at the event were a welcoming sight ofwarmth.
The upper management at the event was also in joyous attendance at the event, with the esteemedChairman Dr Rashid Latif Khan, CEO Madam Talat Khan, Clinical Director Dr. Yousaf Latif Khan, ManagingDirector Dr. Haroon Latif Khan, Head of Marketing Madam Sehr Latif, Director of Finance Naveed Khan,Additional Medical Director Dr. Irfan, and Director Patient Care Dr. Alexander Muhammad Bashir alltaking part in the event. All in all, with the year coming to a close, the warmth on display from thecaregiving staff at Hameed Latif is a welcome sight for all to see.