People with no understanding of the complex processes of economy, inclined to blindly and ambitiously follow any charming slogan, with no capacity to introspect and rationalize things with reasoning are the areas opportunist politicians exploit the worst to establish their existence as a superior force. Any group whether religious or political gives foremost priority to street power in democratic countries. In democracy, legitimacy makes huge impacts which can be attained through winning the hearts of people. There has never been any investment by any government to uplift the intellectual standard of people. Perhaps because educated people are easy to lead but hard to drive. It would not have been such a mess at such a critical time of corona rapid spike if we had educated people who understood the severity of the virus. Ironically, public is willing to cross any line of hazard at the cost of arrest, torture, imprisonment and publically being beaten for preserving their leaders but for leaders, they are the least priority. They even exacerbate their plights by dividing them into lines of religion, section and regionalism to gain their own objectives. Sectarianism which tore apart the nation into multiple domains of identity is the byproduct of dirty politics.
Now political agitations and alliances are on high extreme. Also, it is a reality that alliances in Pakistan have wreaked terrible havoc to democracy in the past. Political parties which once used to be acute rivals against each other nowadays got together under one platform to give stiff resistance to the government. They allege the government for unemployment and dearness in the country and resultantly demand resignation from P.M. but the major source of their pain and concern is the process of accountability and trials which are investigating their assets beyond means. These cases they had registered against themselves, not the present govt. They blame the system of accountability to be hostile, humiliating, partial, and less effective. Their point of concern is that NAB is being used by the government as a tool of victimization against opposition.
Their grievances are genuine to a certain extent. Justice system of Pakistan has a lot of serious flaws which have taken away the credibility of the judiciary and this is the bone of contention of all our worries and woes. Justice is a pillar of a state but the people who are now up to oust the government have been in government multiple times, they did not ensure any such transparent system based on transparency and equality. They did not introduce a system of check and balance on institutions. Certain institutions consider themselves entirely immune to any accountability; they are doing it, simply because there is no check on them. It does not mean confrontation among institutions is created but rather coordination should be created to make a system more transparent and less secret.
Present agitations in politics appear to contain a seed of chaos, disorder, long staying hostility and clash of institutions. To oust an elected government by force is unlawful simply because they did not deliver up to what was expected of it. Their campaign will run quite contrary to the fundamental spirits and principal of democratic values. This move will leave the country subject to disaster. Coordination, mutual dialogues, setting future goals through parliamentarian consensus and giving space to criticism are what make a stable and functioning system. Government’s irresponsible attitude is also a culprit here. This autocratic tone of blocking all the doors of negotiations and blaming opposition for asking NRO is no good precedence. To bear with patience the criticism of opposition is what gives democratic government legitimacy.
World has set on a journey of innovations and inventions of new technological discoveries to further explore the hidden forces of nature and add meaning and purpose to the lives of their people. Pulling each other’s legs serves no purpose but contrarily weakens us from inside. Being dragged against each other for political and short term gains can bring horrifying consequences to the country.
The recent visit of Indian army chief to Saudi Arabia to open a training centre for Saudi soldiers in India is a sure cause for us to think strategically as well as diplomatically to define our future course of action. Previously, we have similar bitter experiences when Afghan security forces were trained in India who returned with hostile perception against Pakistan. The Trilateral nexus of India, Israel and the United State of America is an additional alarming call for us. India is speeding up its efforts on its malicious campaign of Isolating Pakistan internationally. It is really essential for us to rise above petty internal differences as a united force. Internal stability, mutual understanding, good governance and better strategies to present the true picture of Pakistan abroad are the best means to counter the narrative of India and to attract foreign investment which is a tangibly huge source of getting rid of all our economic woes.