The Markazi Anjuman Tajran Retailers Punjab says that ghee mills and importers are earning illicit profit with the connivance of the government officials. Talking to the media in Multan on Saturday, Markazi Anjuman Tajran Retailers Punjab President Mian Afaq Ansari said the retail prices of edible ghee can be reduced to Rs390 per kg from the existing Rs530 if the government pays attention to it because the ghee prices have come down in the international market from Rs21,000 per 50kg to Rs12,850. He said when production, packaging and supply cost are included, ghee can be sold at Rs390 per kg in wholesale rate. He said despite such a massive reduction in the prices of cooking oil and ghee in the international market, the local factories and wholesale dealers have not passed on the benefits to consumers. Retailers demanded that the government talk to ghee manufacturers and importers and reduce prices.
Ansari demanded that the prime minister and the Punjab chief minister that price control magistrates punished retailers for price difference of as minor as Rs3 but wholesale dealers and importers were never brought to task for overcharging and inflated profits. He demanded unless a proper price control mechanism is not placed, small retailers should not be fined, charged-sheet and arrested.